lunedì 27 febbraio 2012

THE BEAST, ovvero, la bestia umana

La bestia, così veniva chiamato Jure Robič quando era in vita, per le sue imprese di ciclismo estremo che andavano oltre ogni umana capacità di sopportare la fatica e il dolore. Era invece un uomo straordinariamente dolce, che amava al di sopra di tutto suo figlio Nal, e che andandosene ha lasciato inconsapevole, oltre a Nal, un altro figlio, Lev Jure che era appena un piccolo seme nella pancia di sua madre, allora compagna di Jure. Lev Jure suo padre non l'ha mai conosciuto, ma in compenso ha una madre giovane e forte, che assieme alla sua famiglia si batte come una leonessa affinchè i diritti di suo figlio vengano rispettati. In questa tristissima situazione la famiglia e pochi amici sono stati di sostegno a Helena. Appena Jure è morto è stata costituita un'associazione, la Jure Robič Foundation, che raccoglie dei fondi per aiutare economicamente il piccolo Nal e per sostenere giovani ciclisti che si vogliono dedicare al ciclismo estremo. Questa associazione, del cui board fa parte la ex moglie di Jure, ha sempre deliberatamente ignorato la gravidanza di Helena, e ha recentemente elargito un assegno al piccolo Lev Jure quando questi, di ormai 9 mesi di età, ha potuto finalmente sbandierare un test del dna che ne accerta la paternità. Test che teoricamente non sarebbe servito a nulla, se qualcuno avesse solo dato un' occhiata al piccolo Lev, sosia di suo padre inequivocabilmente! La ex moglie ora continua la sua lotta contro il riconoscimento del piccolo Lev per vie legali, ma questa è una sua scelta legittima. Quello che non è moralmente accettabile è che lei faccia parte del board della Fondazione, perchè il conflitto di interessi è evidente! Ma nessuno le ha chiesto di lasciarlo, come nessuno ha mai chiesto a Helena, per equità, di entrarvi. Come al solito figli e figliastri.  Mi auguro che quando tutti saranno al corrente di come stanno veramente le cose, qualcuno rifletta sulle sue azioni. Jure sì che sarebbe diventato una bestia di fronte a tutto ciò, anche se qui la bestia, di certo, non è lui.

The beast, as it was called Jure Robič when he was alive, for its extreme biking performance that went beyond human capacity to endure the effort and the pain. But he was an extraordinarily sweet man, he loved above all his son Nal, and he died unconscious to left as well as Nal, another son, Lev Jure that was just a little seed in the belly of his mother, then Jure's partner. Lev Jure never knew his father, but instead he has a young and strong mother, that with her family is fighting like a lioness for the rights of her child are respected. In this very sad situation only the family and few friends have been supportive for Helena. When Jure just died an association was founded, the Jure Robič Foundation, which collects funds to help economically the little Nal and to support young cyclists who want to dedicate to extreme cycling. This association, of whom board is part the former wife of Jure, has always deliberately ignored the pregnancy of Helena, and has recently awarded a grant to Lev Jure when he, now 9 months old, was finally able to flaunt a test of DNA that establishes his paternity. Test that theoretically would not have come usefull if someone had just glanced at little Levhis father's double unequivocally! The former wife now continues her fight against the legal recognition of Lev, but this is her legitimate choice. What is not morally acceptable is that she is part of the Foundation's board, because the conflict of interests is obvious! But no one has asked her to leave, as no one has ever asked Helena, in fairness, to enter. As usual, children and stepchildren. I hope that when everyone will be aware of how things really are, someone reflects on his actions. Jure would have become a beast seeing of these things, even if the beast, of course, isn't he at all.

4 commenti:


    Jure, LeJurček, Helenca

  2. Since you wrote quite a few alegations on Jure Robic Foundation, I have to respond. As a president of the Foundation and one of the founders.
    Jure Robic Foundation is not about the mothers of the sons and the founders can appoint anyone to the board. No need for the hostile talk on that theme.
    When we decided to start the Foundation we decided to work for free to help others. We did that out of respect to Jure. I was with Jure on most of the races for the last 10 years and I did at least 50000 racing kilometers with him. I choose to do that, I choose to be away from my family on the other side of the globe, I choose to work for Jure on races like RAAM where you don't sleep. Because I believed in him and because we were friends.
    And now I have to read words in which you are implying that we are doing this out of our own interest! Look who is talking!
    You could easily found a foundation or do something similar. Since you are supposed to be so fair. But you didn't. Instead of that you just defend Helena and attack Petra. At the Foundation we didn't confirmed Lev as Jure's son just because Helena said so, we waited for the proof. reason was in Jure's personal declaration that he can't have kids out of his fertility problems. Something he said to me many years ago. We got the proof and we will treat Lev equal to Nal.
    I don't wonder what would Jure do if he would saw the situation. I know.

    1. Maybe you don't understand english well, I didn't attack Petra , I only said that it isn't right she's part of the board, because it's obvious she's not " over the parts". But it's true, I defend Helena, because everyone of you always treated her like a " not serious" girl, but everyone who was intimate with Jure knows that despite all their fights, he was really in love with her, and what was his thought about his former wife... I never judged Helena, I 'm only acting like I know Jure would like to do if he was still alive. Because this is my only thought, that he would have loved both his children the same.

  3. And after all, what interest could I have from being Jure's friend? The only interest between us was friendship, love and respect.... Not everybody could tell the same....
